Learn a bit about me!
image © digitalinterfacer, also representing me

Welcome to my about page! Here I'll talk a bit more about who I am:

As stated before, I go by Molly (any pronouns), also known as Weedvampire or Sodabranch on the web.

At the time, I am a paleontology major whose outmost goal in life is to love and be loved, enjoy the world and understand the people around it. To spread happiness and listen to all.
I am also a native Spanish speaker and I have been studying English since 2018 :9

I also like to think of myself as a somewhat creative person, I love dabbling into all sort of hobbies and learning stuff every day.
I have been drawing as far back as my mind can recall, same with baking.
I'm self-taught in almost all my hobbies, as I love experimenting without any rules holding me back.

Ever since I was a kid I've been classified as unconventional. I didn't like socializing very much. I was always alone at playtime, and spent my afternoons either running in the fields or inside browsing the web. This led me to find comfort in technology, as I had an easier time communicating with and understanding computers rather than the complicated human emotions.

As my mother once said:

"Ever since he was 4 years-old he has been a computer expert. When we first got a computer (an old Codegen MID-Tower 6083 complete with win vista. I still own it and would love to give it another life) he was the first one in the family to learn to use it."
I love you mom ☺♥


> Transformice, Epic Battle Fantasy saga, Lethal Company, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Rain World, old flash games and some less important ones...

> Gabber, happy hardcore, jumpstyle, d&b, trap, breakcore
> Rodents, cervids, learning HTML & CSS, sewing, random animal facts, cartoon series, computers and robots, etc